I saw that case once. The elder in question had university education (from another country) and his speeches were loaded with big words that most of the sheep didn't understand. The other elder on average had about 9th grade education. Well, my friend, the hunted educated elder, was demoted to just publisher for few years. I don't know the exact charges, but related to his being too controlling/bullying. During the witch hunt times his wife would call me and gave me details about the other elders: alcoholism, favoritism towards their own children, pervert eyes when looking at women, etc. Lots of juicy stuff.
Since my hunted elder gave me a bible study, the other elders thought I could be useful in providing incriminating information about my friend. Therefore, my wife and I were invited to a party of only elders and MS. Well....it backfired...several of them were having a racist conversation saying that the members of a certain group were too lazy and irresponsible. Since at that time I sided with my friend, the hunted elder, I decided to write a letter to the Watchtower Brooklyn headquarters conveying my recent discoveries about the hunters, including the recent racist comments by many of them. Well, well. Within two months there was an new elder in that Spanish congregation who spoke poor Spanish, but he was a member of the race that the other elders made racist comments about. Coincidence?.... I don't think so.